Registration Form Instructions

This is the form you can use to register for the Phan Rang Reunion on-line.  A copy of this info will be sent to Treasurer Bob Tucker and you. If you don’t get an email pretty quick, like a minute or so, check your Junk Email, It might be in there.  It will be from  Some have had problems receiving my emails.  After I download your registration, which may be a day or two, you will receive an email from  Again, if you don’t get an email, please let me know.  You can change any field before you hit “Register”.  If you made a mistake or hit “Register” by accident, just do another form and I will delete the bad one. Please submit the Registration Fee made out to Phan Rang Vietnam Veterans and mail ASAP to Bob Tucker, P.O. Box 344, Bucklin, KS  67834.  Credit Cards are not accepted but I do accept Zelle and Venmo now.  You will not be registered until payment is received. You will receive a confirmation from me when your payment is received.  If you are having problems, don’t hesitate to Call or Text me at 620-826-5550 or Email me at  I am in Central Daylight Time; phone call hours are 1000 hrs to  2200 hrs Except Sunday 1300hrs to 2200hrs. Thank you for your attendance and timely payment.